Monday, 21 September 2015

Craft Fails//Scorch Trials Review

For todays blog, I will be discussing two different subjects, to make up for the blogs I didn't do, but I'd like to start with my craft fails...

I'm sure most people will understand the disappointment you feel after you work hard on something, and it completely fails. Pinterest sets my standards too high, and I tried to make this decorated plant pot thing...and it didn't really work so anyway here we go...

So the idea of this was to decorate these plain plant pots, with really
nice paper, to make them look all fancy. In theory a brilliant idea,
in reality it was a nightmare! I didn't take into consideration, that the
plant pots slowly get smaller in radius towards the bottom, so when
I tried to wrap paper around it, it flopped. Another thing that
became evidently clear, as I worked on this, it that I just cant cut
strait, all of my lines were, well, all over the place! 
The idea.
I'm not too sure where this is going with this idea, but the
moral of the story, is that you cant be perfect all the time, and not
everything you do will be perfect. If you want to get it perfect you have
to make mistakes.
On the plus side I made a bookmark out of the scrap paper.
For the scraps of your failures come ideas. My new life quote.
A wannbe craft post, becomes a fortune cookie message.
Only on Ellagram.

Scorch Trials Review...

Over the weekend, I went to go see the next film in the Maze Runner series, The Scorch Trials, and decided to write up a
review for it. I would like to start by saying that I enjoyed the film, It was everything I expected the film to be, fast paced, thrilling, and on the whole entertaining. One thing I would like to say about the film, is that I like how it is a completely different story to the first one, and that it doesn't have a copied script from the last film. One thing that I think was a slight problem is, that it is nothing new. Of coarse, is its own franchise, and respect that, but I have seen a lot of films like it, like The Hunger Games, and Divergent. I'm not saying that these movies are bad, but I think that they are all the same, an I'd love to see a new idea brought to cinema. I think that after the Hunger Games' success, other film makers saw a lot of money making opportunity, in making other films based of books like it, a ''cash grab'' if you will. More on the topic though, I have heard that the film, isn't at all like the book, but I'm not all that sure, because I haven't read the book yet. Please stop judging me. I think that it is important that the movies stay true to their source materials, because I think that for people who have read the books, it's disappointing to see all the aspects you loved from the book exclude from the film. However, on the whole based on the movie itself, I'd give this movie 4/5.

Thanks' for reading Ellagram, and as always, bye for now.

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