Sharpie Mugs
So originally for my blog, I was going to do a how to make sushi, but mine failed. Yes it was that bad! So I had to come up with something else that was quick and easy, Sharpie Mugs! I know that if your reading this Lourdes I did steal your idea, I had no choice! This is a cool easy and fun DIY, that has so many different interpretations, it's good for you're imagination!
So for this DIY, you will need: .Sharpies .Mug/s .Inspiration I got my mugs from Wilkinsons for 75p each, and my sharpies from WHSmith!
For my first mug I took inspiration from the show Breaking Bad! Drawing on your design is really easy, just draw it as if you are drawing on paper! There is nothing to it!Ignore the "G" mine failed! |
My second Was based off my flip-flops! I really love this cacti it's so cute! If you are struggling look for sharpie mugs online! For me it was a bit hard to colour in the cacti without messing up!I would try not stopping, and doing a continuous line. |
If you make a mistake go over it in highlighter or board pens! I don't know how it works, but it has saved my life! I don't want to tell you my life story, but once in class I drew my name in sharpie on the board without realising, (I was stupid back then), and The teacher told me off... so yeah I googled how to get sharpie off and yeah it saved me from a detention!
Now for the baking! I put my oven on fan mode, on 175 degrees,(or 350 degrees f). Put your mugs in strait away, Don't Preheat! Putting your mugs in to the high temperature my cause a crack! Once it reaches 175 degrees, leave it at that temperature for 30 mins! When the times up don't take them out too early, leave them in the oven until the oven is cool. The sudden change in temperature can cause cracks. To make your Mugs Design more resistant to rubbing off try going over the design and repeating the baking process! |
Thanks for reading Ellagram! If you enjoy DIYS, check out my others! Like I said at the beginning, this wasn't my original idea I just thought it was really cool! I would love to see any of your ideas, so send them to me on Instagram! My Username is @whatthewifi!
See U's Later!
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