Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Caci Care, and Terrarium making...

Caring for your Cactus...

Sometimes I find it extremely daunting when you are faced with all the complicated mess that google tells you, but not anymore! For todays blog, I will be telling you the truth about looking after cactus! REMEMBER: I'm not a professional, I'm just speaking from my own experience. 

1. Do not over water- cacti are a dessert dwelling plant that have evolved to survive weeks to months without water. I would recommend watering them every 3-4 weeks. If over watered they can develop root rot, (a fungal infection of the roots).

2. Sunshine- obviously, you will need to keep your cacti in an area where it will get plenty of light. Like I already mentioned you will need to simulate dessert life. Try to keep them warm, if you can't they will survive, but won't be as healthy. 

I hope this has simplified the whole cacti situation!!!


Terrariums are a brilliant way to decorate your rooms. They add a whole new ecosystem contained within beautiful glass jars and containers! But despite the seeming expensive prices online, you can make your own for a surprisingly cheep price! As part two of my blog today, I will be giving you step by step instructions of terrarium making!

1. Getting it together- Before you start creating your terrarium, there are a few items you will need to gather:
. soil, (from your garden, or special cactus soil)
. gravel, ( I got mine from pets at home, but you can also find this in your garden)
. cacti/cactus
. a Jar or terrarium, ( I got mine from urban outfitters, and Sainsburys)
. protective gloves, (optional)

You can get all these items for relatively cheep prices, if you choose to reduce the cost, go for a large jar, I got a large mason jar on sale at Wilko. I will leave links at the end of the article if you are interested. 

2. To start making your terrarium, you all need to lay a layer or gravel at the bottom of your container. This layer should be around a few inches thick, but does widely depend on your container.

3. Put a layer of GRITTY soil on the top of the gravel layer. If you can't find any gritty soil, try mixing leftover gravel into the soil. 

4. Remove you cacti/ cactus from there pots. Usually this process is easy, because they are really dry anyway. if you are having difficulty, try squeezing the sides of the pot all the way around and it should eventually pop out!

5. Dig a deep hole into the soil, (big enough for the root, and bury the roots of the plant) 

6. If you would like you cactus to look more interesting try adding rocks on top of the soil, or toy animals, like the urban outfitters terrariums! If this hasn't helped i'd recommend just googling it! I will leave some links to inspiration below!

This was my first terrarium, I purchased the jar
from Wilko,(link bellow), and the cactus from there too!

A few of my cactus, and succulents! The terrarium I bought
isn't completed yet. It cost £20 from sainsburys.

Thank you for reading Ellagram!

If you were interested in any of the products I have
mentioned the links are down below! I know this blog Isn't part
of the schedule, but I didn't know where to fit it in!

Urban Outfitters terrarium: http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/uk/catalog/search.jsp?q=terrariums#/
Wilko jars: http://www.wilko.com/search?q=jars
Cacti Soil:http://www.diy.com/search/results/page=1?question=cactus&pageSize=24&_requestid=358684
Pets At Home gravel: http://www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/natural-mix-aquarium-gravel
Terrariums on Pintrest:https://www.pinterest.com/explore/cactus-terrarium/
Sainsburys terrarium:www.sainsburysterrarium.co.uk

Bye for Now...

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